How do I refund a delivery charge and/or sales tax from a completed order?
Use the Adjust Dollars on a Completed Order routine to perform the following steps:
Press Tab to generate the adjustment number.
At the Store field, enter the store number.
At the Type field, select “C” for Credit Adjustment.
At the Original Order field, enter the order number of the completed order. All customer and salesperson information for that order displays.
On the Payment tab, at the Delivery/Pick-Up Charge field, enter the amount you want to refund.
If you do not want to refund the tax, you can zero it out by clicking the Actions button and selecting Order Tax Information screen. Once in that screen, locate the appropriate tax (delivery, pickup, etc.) and then click the Zero Tax Amount check box for the state tax amount in the middle section of the screen. If an additional/local tax is involved, you must click the Zero Tax Amount check box for them also. When finished, click Save to return to the Payment tab of the Credit Adjustments screen.
In the Payment tab, click on the Action button next to the Refund field, select the appropriate payment type. A negative amount displays in the Amount field, representing the pending refund. After you enter all of the refund information, click on Save. You will then be brought back to the Payment tab.
Click Save to complete the credit adjustment. You have the option to print a receipt.