Credit Holds FAQs
This topic contains a list of questions frequently asked by STORIS users about Credit Holds. If you click on a question, the answer appears. Please note that more than one solution may exist for a given situation. Read the answers completely to determine which method best suits your company’s needs.
Point of Sale Sub-Categories: Credit Holds, Credits and Refunds, Deliveries and Logistics, Gift Cards and Certificates, Sales Order Processing, Payment Processing, Returns and Exchanges, Salesperson, Tax, Warranty
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How do I find out what the credit hold codes mean?
STORIS automatically applies and/or removes AR credit hold codes based on your responses to various system settings. Each code (C1, C2, etc.) represents a different credit hold situation. These codes affect various processes in STORIS, including processes used to approve orders on hold, schedule deliveries, and generate reports and views.
Why do some orders go on credit hold?
STORIS can apply AR credit holds to orders when certain situations arise, depending on how you set up your system. STORIS prevents processing on orders with a credit hold attached until you remove the credit hold.
See also: General and Customer tabs of Point of Sale Control Settings, Update Receivables Credit Approvals.
How do I complete an order that is on credit hold?
Prior to completing the order, you must remove the credit hold using the applicable credit approval program.
If the order is on F3 credit hold, use the Update Financing Credit Approvals entry screen to approve the financing for the order and remove the credit hold.
If the order is on C1, C2, C3, D1 credit hold, use the Release Orders From Credit Hold entry screen to approve the order and remove the credit hold. Note that you remove orders from D2 credit hold by applying a payment in full on the order.