How do I zero out gift cards without refunding payment?
To “zero out” gift card amounts, use the Enter a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate routine.
After specifying the customer who purchased the gift card, select the Gift Cards and Certificates tab.
Check the box at the Refund Gift Balance field and select the Gift Certificate #.
Remove the check from the Refund Check box. The Payment Summary Window appears.
At the Pay Method field, indicate a Miscellaneous Payment. In the Miscellaneous Entry window, enter the amount being removed from the gift card/certificate as a negative amount.
Be sure to save out of each window, and finally click Save on the Enter a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate screen to update your “refund”.
By using these instructions to zero out the gift card, you can bypass your actual cash accounts but still track the transaction through the General Ledger.