How do I update a completed sales order (e.g., adjust an incorrect payment, change salesperson, etc.)?
Completed/closed orders cannot be directly updated. However, you can create other transactions to correct errors on completed orders. Below are some examples of how you can update information on a completed order.
To make dollar adjustments to completed orders: Use the Adjust Dollars on a Completed Order program to make debit or credit dollar adjustments to specific completed orders without affecting inventory.
To change any information on a completed order: Use Enter a Return or Enter an Exchange to access the order and complete the return/exchange. Then create and complete a new sales order with the adjusted information (customer, salesperson, product, payment type, etc.). The “new” sales order can be back-dated to the original (incorrect) order, if necessary.
To change the salesperson for a completed order: Use the Enter a Commission Adjustment routine to correct the salespeople associated with an order. Use the Salesperson field on the adjustment screen to edit the salesperson and/or adjust the commission split.