How do I remove a reservation on a sales order and/or re-assign it to another sales order?
To remove a stock reservation from a sales order, follow these steps.
Access the open order using Enter a Sales Order, and then select the Merchandise page.
Select the product line item for which you are removing the reservation and click the Edit button.
Click the global Actions button to select Additional Line Item Details. Your ability to change the reserved quantity is determined by the Manually reserve stock merchandise setting in the user/user group actions – logistics security. If you do not have permission to change this quantity, the Security Override Screen appears. You must then obtain the initials and password of a user with access in order to proceed.
On the Additional Line Item Details screen, select the Sales Order tab.
Use the Reserved Quantity field to change the number of pieces you want to remain on reservation for this order.
To remove all quantities reserved for this line item, enter zero (0) in the Reserved Quantity field.