How do I include a customer’s own material (COM) component in a sales order?
Use the Customer’s Own Material (COM) feature in Enter a Sales Order to enter and process special-order sales that include non-inventory, customer owned products known as COM components. The COM Order Entry/Maintenance program facilitates the process of ordering a COM component (for example, a fabric, fringe, or welting) from one vendor and sending it directly to a second vendor. The second vendor then uses the COM product to manufacture a product to be delivered to the retailer.
COM Entry
Using Enter a Sales Order, enter one or more special-order products by selecting Special Order Sales from the Product field Action button.
Use the Special Order Entry window to enter your special-order product (a frame, for example). If creating a new special order product, the Product Settings window opens; complete this screen then click Save, which closes the window and returns to the Special Order Entry window. After completing the Special Order Entry window, click Save.
Add the special order product to the grid in the Merchandise tab of Enter a Sales Order by clicking the green plus button. If the item is not available or on order, a prompt appears asking if you would like to create a purchase order.
Use the global Actions button to select Customer’s Own Material (COM). The COM Order Entry/Maintenance screen displays.
When you finish entering COM component information, click Save. The P/O Header Comments screen appears; comments entered here appear as instructions on the purchase order created in Step 3. When you exit the P/O Header Comments screen, the number of the purchase order assigned to the COM product displays. You can then enter additional COM component products, if necessary.
Once you enter all your COM component products, you can update the remainder of the sales order in the usual manner.