How do I complete the return portion while leaving the replacement sale open?
If you are unable to complete the return of merchandise and sale of its replacement merchandise at the same time, you can use the Split Exchange option from the Actions button on the Customer or Payment page of the exchange order. This option is used to allow corrections to existing exchanges by dividing the exchange into separate documents, one for the customer return and one for the sales order. Once the exchange is split into two separate documents, you can complete them independently. For more detail, please see the Splitting Exchanges topic.
How can we enter an exchange and have the replacement merchandise shipped directly from the vendor to the customer?
You can “split the exchange” to handle this situation.
- First, you create the exchange as normal.
- Save your entry and exit the routine.
- Go back into Enter an Exchange for the order you created and click the Actions button at the bottom of the Customer tab.
- Select the Split Exchange option to split the exchange into two orders, one for the return and one for the sale of the replacement merchandise.
- Using Enter a Sales Order, access the order for the replacement merchandise.
- Change the Line Type on the Merchandise tab to direct ship for any items you want shipped directly to the customer.