GFM Floor Maintenance Manual
Maintaining superior floor presentation:
- Begin by daily walkthrough of entire store to target specific areas of attention. Things to look for are:
- Damaged merchandise must be moved off the showroom floor immediately notify department lead of all merchandise deemed unacceptable by UPF guidelines.
- Missing tags. Print off appropriate tags and labels for section. MAKE SURE ALL LABELS AND TAGS ARE PRESENTED IN UPF GUIDELINES. See department head for details. Totals must be correct, make sure descriptions match furniture and must sign off and date on every tag you place. Find out what pieces are coming to the floor in advance and prepare your tags. (Always check the clipboards for new product and walk back to the warehouse to see if any new furniture is coming to the floor.)
- Missing or misplaced furniture. Make sure you bring all missing items to the attention of the department lead so they can transfer appropriate pieces to the sales floor.
- Make sure all lighting in the showroom is done to UPF standards. Meaning furniture is centered and well lit.
- Excessively untidy sections must be cleaned to UPF standards. Notify the sales manager of the section that needs cleaning and report any opening duties that have not been completed to the sales. manager
- Report anything that affects the overall appearance of showroom such as TV’s out, water on the floor, light boxes out and equipment failures.
- Next, be sure to communicate with department lead to receive tasks and events for the day. If you are asked by a department lead or manager to complete a task, then Make sure these are a priority and are completed in a timely manner.
- If you are approached by a customer or see a customer wandering through your department be sure to stop and greet the customer in a non threatening way just to see if the customer has any questions. If yes, then proceed to close the customer until another salesperson shows up at which point you may TO or close customer yourself whichever is most comfortable for the customer. USE your judgment. If you have great rapport with customer, then stay with them.
Tag Handouts on the Floor
- Select kiosk folder on desktop
- Next, select the category you want to change.
- Find an image on the manufacturer website and save to desktop.
- In kiosk template ,Right click on image and select change picture
- Select desktop image you want to use and then fit to template.
- Always put a capital U in front of SKU
- Save as, the corresponding product description.
- Select and drag new items from your desktop into corresponding drop box categories.
Competitive Pricing-
- Search local competitors pricing and locate items we carry.
- If we are less then bring up an image on both screens, 1 with our pricing and 1 with their pricing.
- Next, screen capture by pressing (print screen sysrq) button on keyboard.
- Click comparison document on desktop.
- Copy by pressing both (ctrl+v) two times.
- Click the mask button inside the compare document and crop away images not being used such as Tab information, website address bar etc. (You will have to press mask button on each image.)
- Edit clipping path (looks like dice icon highlighted in red) and hold shift to adjust the size to fit inside the black highlighted box.
- Click Print but never save documents.
Printing tags-
Always check print settings before printing to make sure nothing has changed.
- Click label matrix located on print station desktop.
- Click on find an existing. Then Click ok.
- Click on the tag you are checking (ex. Loft tag, Kick o blue or only 1 hang)
- Click on (finger pointing icon) label properties
- Click on printer tab
- Click on setup
For loft and regular hang tags
-Paper orientation must be portrait.
- Click paper tab make sure is 5 ½ x 8 ½ inch (Invoice) drop box must be selected.
- Click on paper selection
-paper source must be (Bypass tray)
-Save if you had to make changes if not just exit
- Next, go to Storis and select PRINT A SINGLE PRODUCT LABEL.
- Search product by entering the sku number or selecting the search icon, then select quantity and press add icon.
- Select PC file name and locate the appropriate tag description you are printing. (i.e. LOFT HANGTAG or ONLY 1 HANG.)
- Before you print, add loft hang tag card stock to the printer if loft and regular card stock if regular sku from loc 01 to the bypass tray. ALL HANG TAGS ARE DONE FACE DOWN WITH THE LOGO FACING OUTWARDS.
- Walk to printer then Select print job, then highlight job you are printing.
- Next, select detail and choose the 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 bypass tray.
When printing KICKOUTS
Always check label matrix to make sure print settings are correct depending on the task you are printing.
- Click label matrix located on print station desktop.
- Click on find an existing. Then Click ok.
- Click on the tag you are checking (ex. Loft tag, Kick o blue or only 1 hang)
- Click on (finger pointing icon) label properties
- Click on printer tab
- Click on setup
-Paper orientation must be Landscape.
- Click paper tab make sure is Ledger (Invoice) drop box must be selected.
- Click on paper selection
-paper source must be 3rd tray on image of printer
-Save if you had to make changes if not just exit
- Next, go to storis and select PRINT A SINGLE PRODUCT LABEL.
- Search product by entering the sku number or selecting the search icon, then select quantity and press add icon.
- Select PC file name and locate the appropriate tag description you are printing. (I.e. LOFT HANGTAG or ONLY 1 HANG.)
- Before you print, add ledger perforated paper to tray 3 with perforated edge towards the back of the tray.
- Then Run.
When printing Group kits-
-Items that are group skus are printed separately from other tags.
- After checking necessary print settings
- Go to Storis.
- Select print barcode floor tag
- Search product by entering the sku number or selecting the search icon, then select quantity and press add icon.
- Select PC file name and locate the appropriate tag description you are printing. (i.e. LOFT HANGTAG or ONLY 1 HANG.)
- Before you print, add loft hang tag card stock to the printer if loft and regular card stock if regular sku from loc 01 to the bypass tray. ALL HANG TAGS ARE DONE FACE DOWN WITH THE LOGO FACING OUTWARDS.
- Walk to printer then Select print job, then highlight job you are printing.
- Next, select detail and choose the 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 bypass tray.