In store application
ACIMA (click here)
Select a Location
Tell us which store you are planning to shop at.
- -Approvals up to $5,000 Dollars
- -Customers may go 10% over any approval they receive.
- -Credit Reporting – Acima reports On time payments to the Credit Bureau and helps your customers build their credit.
- -90 Day Buyout Option for only $10.00 Dollars
- -No Credit Check. Acima does not impact FICO when a customer applies.
- -Early Buyout Discounts (EBO’s) for customers who pay off outside of the 90 day window
- -Terms up to 12 months. 18 & 24 months for well-qualified customers
- -Customers may immediately access their “Open to Buy” Unused Approval Dollars and open as many additional contracts as they want.