What is the difference between Daily Cash Balancing and Daily Cash Receipts?
Daily Cash Balancing
For daily cash balancing, you use the Balance a Cash Drawer process to balance each cash drawer at the end of a business day or shift. You can then use the Report Cash Drawer Balancing Totals routine to manually tally dollars activity.
If you are NOT balancing cash drawers, the system purges the cash receipts data needed to run the Report Cash Drawer Balancing Totals during the Generate Daily Reports process. If you did not print the cash balancing report prior to or along with the Daily Reports, you can instead run the Report Daily Receipts Register.
Daily Cash Receipts
Daily Cash Receipts consists of payment details on all transactions, at all cash drawers, in all locations. The Report Daily Receipts Register option prints as part of the End of Day process (and can also be run on-demand). The register includes summarized totals by payment types, locations, and banks (where daily deposits will be made). An additional page includes a general ledger summary of activity.
If you have only one cash drawer at each store, you may not need to process Cash Balancing. Instead, you can use the Report Daily Receipts Register to balance out the sole cash drawer at a location.